Every month we host a Family Open Mic Night in the CVC Hub. These evenings are accessible to all ages & musical abilities and you are welcome to come and perform and/or just enjoy the atmosphere! Teas, coffees, hot chocolates & squash are free of charge throughout the evening and we also have a tuckshop for cans of juice, crisps, chocolate, sweets etc. Our team can’t wait to welcome you - and you can sign up for your slot (up to 3 songs) when you arrive!

There’s no better way to find out about our Open Mic Nights than to come along and enjoy one, but just in case you need a bit of reassurance, read on…

Such a great venue to come along to. It is great that Children can come along and take part on that stage which is excellent. Children have no fear of performing and the venue being alcohol free allows a place where kids can learn and be encouraged to perform. There are no egos just brilliant coaches giving advice and encouragement.